"Wotanthauzira" ("The Interpreter"), tanthauzo komanso mawu a nyimboyi (Song Description & Lyrics in Chichewa)

Pansipa ndi tanthauzo la nyimbo ya “The Interpreter (Wotanthauzira)” (yoyimbidwa ndi Timothy Brindle ndi Masomphenya), yomwe inatuluka pa August 12, 2020:
Ngati ophunzira aku Westminster Theological Seminary, Masomphenya, yemwe ndi oyimba wa za mawu a Mulungu, wayimba limodzi nyimbo ndi Timothy Brindle, oyimba wa ku America, yomwe mutu wake ndi “The Interpreter (Wotanthauzira)” . Munyimboyi, oyimba awiriwa akumasulira mawu a wina ndi mzake kuchoka mu chingerezi kupita mu Chichewa, komanso kuchoka mu Chichewa kupita mu Chingerezi. Powunika mutu wa “kutanthauzira”, Timothy ndi Masomphenya akusonyeza kwa omvera m’mene angatanthauzilire mawu a Mulungu. Chithunzithunzi cha nyimboyi chili motere:
- Vesi 1: Baibulo limadzitanthauzila lokha
- Vesi 2: Yesu Khristu: wotanthauzira wa mbiri ya chiwombolo
- Vesi 3: Tsiku la Pentekosti: kutembenuza kwa Babelo
Ndondomeko ya nyimbo ya “The Interpreter” (Wotanthauzira) yomwe ikhozanso kugwiritsidwa ntchito pokambirana mawu a Mulungu, kapena m’magulu awanthu ochepe ili motere:
Vesi 1
Baibulo limadzimasulira lokha** Chimodzi mwazinthu zofunika zoyambilira komanso maziko otanthauzilira Baibulo, ndi chakuti Baibulo limadzitanthauzira lokha. Monga momwe wawerengera Masomphenya kumayambiliro a nyimboyi, chikhulupiliro cha Westminster (Westminster Confession of Faith) chikuti, "Lamulo langwiro lotathauzilira Baibulo ndiloti Baibulo limadzitanthauzira lokha: kotero, pakakhala funso lokhudza tanthauzo lenileni la vesi iliyonse (lochokera m’baibulo lomwe silidzitsutsa lokha koma limakamba chinthu chimodzi), yankho lake layenera kuchokera mu ndime zina zomwe zikukamba momveka bwino pafunso lathu." (1.9). Njira yotanthauzilira Baibulo chotere ndiyoyenera, makamaka pomwe mwana wa Mulungu akumana ndi ndime zomwe zikuoneka ngati ndizovuta kuzimvetsetsa, kapena zowoneka ngati zikutsutsana ndi ndime zina. Popeza Mulungu sanganame (Aheberi 6:18), ndipo Mawu ake omwe ndi angwiro amatisonyeza ife kuti Iye alibe banga (Masalimo 119:137), choncho mkhristu akhoza kudalira Mawu Ouziridwa kuti adzitanthauzire okha. "Potsegulira mawu anu paunikira; kuzindikiritsa opusa” (Masalimo. 119:130).
Vesi 2
Yesu Khristu Wotanthauzira Mbiri Yachiwombolo M’baibulo, Mulungu amatanthauzira yekha ntchito zake zachipulumutso. Geerhardus Vos akunena kuti (1) poyamba Mulungu amalonjeza zomwe adzachite pofuna kupulumutsa anthu ake. (2) Mulungu kenako amalowa m'mbiri yakuwombola kuti akwaniritse mawu ake, pakupulumutsa anthu Ake ndi kuweruza adani ake. (3) Kenako AMBUYE amatanthauzira kufunika komanso amapeleka tanthauzo la machitachita ake azozizwitsa ndicholinga choti anthu ake amvetsetse (Vos, Theology Theology, 6). Lingaliro ili la mmene Mulungu amatanthauzilira ntchito zake zachiwombolo lidayikizidwa ndi Yesu Kristu pa Luka 24, pomwe Mlembi wa Baibulo adapeleka tanthauzo ku mbiri ya chiombolo: zonse zimafotokoza za Iye (Yesu), za imfa yake ndi kuuka kwake (Luka 24 25-27, 44-49). Pamene timuona Yesu kukhala paphata pa kutambasulidwa konse kwa malemba, tiwerenga Mawu a Mulungu opanda chilichonse chophimba m’maso, ndipo tiona ulemerero wa umunthu ndi ntchito zake za Khristu (2 Akorinto 3: 12-4: 6). Monga kolasi ya nyimboyi ikunenera, Yesu Khristu monga Mawu (Mu chiyankhulo cha chi Helene Ho Logos, Yohane 1: 1-2) komanso monga Mboni yokhulupilika (Chiv. 1: 5), amatanthauzira ndi kuvumbulutsa kwa ife Atate, ndicholinga choti timudziwe, chomwe chili moyo wosatha (Yohane 1:18, 17:3).
Vesi 3
Pentekosti: Kutembenuzidwa kwa Babelo Ngakhale Mulungu adabalalitsa mitundu ya anthu ochimwa ndikusokoneza zilankhulo zawo mu Genesis 11, mu ndime yotsatira Iye adalonjeza kuti adzasonkhanitsa amitundu kwa Iye Yekha kudzera mwa mbewu ya Abrahamu (Gen. 12: 1-3, 15-16, 17 1- 1) 14, 22 15-18), yemwe ndi Yesu Khristu (Agal. 3:16). Pamene Khristu wopachikidwa, woukitsidwa, ndi wokwezedwa kumwamba adatsanulira Mzimu Woyera pa anthu ake, adawapatsa kuthekera kwa kulengeza ntchito zamphamvu za Mulungu m'zilankhulo zosiyanasiyana za amitundu omwe analipo pa tsiku la Pentekosti (Machitidwe 2 1-11). Mwa ichi, Pentekosti akuonetsa kutembenuzidwa kwa zomwe zidachitika ndi Babelo.
Ngakhale kulembedwa kwa mau a Mulungu atsopano kuwonjezera am’Baibulo kunamalizika, cholinga cha Mulungu chikupitirirabe! Kudzera mkumasulilidwa kwa baibulo lomwe pachiyambi linalembedwa mziyakhulo za Chihelene ndi Chiheberi kupita mziyakhulo za mayiko ena, komanso kudzera mkutathauzira ndi mkulakira kowona kwa mawu ake, Mulungu Atate akusonkhanitsa ndi kubweretsa pamodzi Mtundu Wake Wosankhidwa – omwe ndi chilengedwe chake chatsopano cha anthu. Iye akuwasokhanitsa kuchokera ku mitundu yonse, mayiko, mafuko, ndi ziyankhulo zonse, kudzera mu chiyanjano chawo mwa chikhulupiliro ndi Adamu Wachiwiri (Yesu).
Tsopano, m'malo mosaka vumbulutso lina latsopano kunja kwa zomlembedwa m'baibulo, akhristu akumemedwa kuti akhulupilire mawu omwe ndiwokwanira, olembedwa mwa Mzimu wa Khristu, yemwe akulankhulabe nafe lero kuyambira ku Genesisi mpaka ku Chivumbulutso (2 Tim. 3 16-17, 2 Petro 1: 3-4). Yesu akadzabweranso mu ulemelero, chimene chili ntchito yake yomaliza yachiombolo, adzaulula kwa ife vumbulutso latsopano motsatanatsana kosalekeza, chomwe chidzatichitsa ife kumupembedza mpaka muyaya Mwana wankhosa yemwe adaphedwa, koma tsopano ali moyo kwamuyaya! (Chiv. 2:17, 3:12, 22-5)
The Interpreter (Song Lyrics) Mawu a nyimbo ya The Interpreter (Wotanthauzira)
Intro: “The infallible rule of interpretation of Scripture is the Scripture itself: and therefore, when there is a question about the true and full sense of any Scripture (which is not manifold, but one), it must be searched and known by other places that speak more clearly.” (Westminster Confession of Faith 1.9)
Mawu oyamba : "Lamulo langwiro lotathauzilira Baibulo ndiloti Baibulo limadzitanthauzira lokha: kotero, pakakhala funso lokhudza tanthauzo lenileni la vesi iliyonse (lochokera m’baibulo lomwe silidzitsutsa lokha koma limakamba chinthu chimodzi), yankho lake layenera kuchokera mu ndime zina zomwe zikukamba momveka bwino pafunso lathu." (Chikhulupiliro cha Westminster 1.9).
Verse 1 - Scripture Interprets Scripture Vesi 1: Baibulo limadzitanthauzila lokha
When you search His Word, and it’s meaning at first is blurred You can turn to other verses to discern and learn It’s Sure and Firm, The same Spirit who wrote it is the interpreter of His perfect Word!
Ukawerenga mawu komano osawamvetsa Fanizira ndi ma verse ena kuti umvetsetse Mawu ndiowona- alibe ma mistake Mzimu yemwe anawaremba- amawatanthauziranso clear clear
When you read Sincerely, but it’s meaning is seemingly hidden so that you’re still grieved and weary, God’s people, hear me: Please turn to other parts of Holy Scripture that speak more clearly!
Ukadzikhuthula mawu ukumasanthula Koma tanthauzo ndikukhala ngati likuvuta Anthu amulungu apa tcherani makutu Onaninso ndime zina kuti muvetse mwatchutchu
A supposed contradiction? Look close what God has written The problem isn’t Scripture, bro the problem is within men! - My lying wretched flesh but His Truthful Words passed His own Character's Lie Detector Test!
Hhm! Mawu khala ngati akuzitsutsa? awerengenso bwiinobwino memba alibetu chilema- mtima wanga ndi omwe uli ndi matenda Malemba ali true ngati umunthu wa Namalenga
Chorus: Kolasi:
He’s the Interpreter who gives interpretation of His perfect works, He took the curse to save men Opereka tanthauzo yemweyo ndi tanthauzo la ntchito zake zangwiro, mpulumutsiyo aaah
None have ever seen God the Father - no men Only Christ - who makes Him known for us to know Him Palibe anawona Mulungu atate Njee! Koma Khristu yemwe amatidziwatsa za iye
Verse 2 - Jesus Christ: the Interpreter of Redemptive History Versi 2 - Yesu Khristu Wotanthauzira Mbiri Yachiwombolo
Posanthula Malemba tipeza ichi lemba lililonse limachokera kwa Jesus (Yesu!) Mabukhu onse 66 amagwirizana Kuti umvetse Baibulo Yesu ndiye Keys
As we search we will see this, every word is from Jesus So all 66 books are in perfect agreement. It isn’t hard to see their harmony To unlock the Bible’s meaning, the Son of God’s the Key
Ukawerenga chipangano chakale Ndi chabe chitsanzo cha mtima oleza basi? 24 ya Luka/ Mawu ndi opatulika Yesu ndi tanthauzo la mawu anawaluka!!!
When you read the Old Testament, and turn its pages Is it just examples for learning patience? Luke 24 - Christ’s Words are sacred: Behold - the Author of Scripture’s interpretation!
Mabuku amuchipangano chakale- paliponse Amakamba za imfa ya Yesu ndi kuwuka kwake Popanda Yesu mpingo sungamvetse kalikonse Luke 24 ndi phunziro la m’mene tingatanthauzile malemba
So the Law, Psalms, and Prophets - yes, every section They stress and mention His death and resurrection. Without Jesus, ALAS! the Church is clueless But Luke 24 is His class on Hermeneutics!
Chorus: Kolasi:
Opereka tanthauzo yemweyo ndi tanthauzo la ntchito zake zangwiro, mpulumutsiyo aaah He’s the Interpreter who gives interpretation Of His Perfect Works, He took the Curse to Save Men
Palibe anawona Mulungu atate Njee Koma Khristu- yemwe amatidziwatsa za iye None have ever seen God the Father - no men Only Christ - who makes Him known for us to know Him
Verse 3 - Pentecost: the Reversal of Babel Vesi 3 – Pentekosti: Kutembenuzidwa kwa Babelo
As descendants of Adam, every man’s a brother But after Babel, we can’t understand each other Because God scattered the nations - confused their tongues But God will gather through Abram - that is through his son
Ndife pachibale ngati mbumba ya Adamu Koma after Babelo sitimvana chiyankhulo Yahweh anawamwaza nkuwapatsa ziyankhulo Koma kudzera mwa Abramu- mwana wake adzasokhanitsa
The precious Cross, Christ died for many lost Then ascended to pour out the Spirit at Pentecost When the nations understood each other’s words, they are baffled -- Thus Pentecost is a reversal of Babel!
Atafera anthu ake khristu anapita kumwambako kukatumiza Mzimu pa tsiku la Pentecosto Maiko anamvana chiyankhulo anadabwa - ooh no! Pentecosto ndikutembenuza kwa Babelo
Claim you’re a Prophet who makes known His Will? Well, in the O.T., false prophets were stoned and killed! Receive revelation outside His Perfect Word? If you could speak in tongues, you’d need an Interpreter!
Your deceitful heart will shout lies to trick ya - But now the (Holy) Spirit never speaks outside of Scripture Mtima wanu onyeng’a ‘funa kukusocheretsani koma Mzimu sayankhula kunja kwa mawu man
When He returns, unending revelation We’ll respond, “everything that has breath, let’s praise Him!” Akadzabwera mpomwe vumbulutso silidzatha Tidzayankha, “zamoyo zonze zimulemekeze”
Chorus: Kolasi
He’s the Interpreter who gives interpretation of His perfect works, He took the curse to save men Opereka tanthauzo yemweyo ndi tanthauzo la ntchito zake zangwiro, mpulumutsiyo aaah
None have ever seen God the Father - no men Only Christ - who makes Him known for us to know Him Palibe anawona Mulungu atate Njee Koma Khristu- yemwe amatidziwatsa za iye
Nyimbo ya “The Interpreter (Wotanthauzira)” ikhoza kugulidwa pa: https://timothybrindleandmasomphenya.bandcamp.com/track/the-interpreter