“Redemption Song” By Floriana Brindle

“Legalism lacks the supreme sense of worship. It obeys but it does not adore.” Geerhardus Vos
I love reading the different songs in the Bible. Songs like Moses' song of deliverance from Egypt along with Miriam's victory song in Exodus 15:1-18, 20-22; Deborah’s song in Judges 5, Hannah’s “soundtrack of redemption” in 1 Samuel 2:1-10, David’s song in 2 Samuel 22, indeed the entire book of Psalms, Song of Solomon, and Jonah's song in the belly of the fish (2:1-10)! The songs of salvation are so numerous that it’s as if the whole Bible is one beautiful redemptive-historical song: a song that reveals God’s glory in the unfolding of His redemptive history.
The song of Scripture speaks of God's saving acts and His covenant promise to His people - and to their offspring - that he will be their God and they will be his people. It’s a song worthy to be sung by every living creature both on earth, in the sea and under the sea. It’s a song that was fulfilled by the shed blood of his Son Jesus Christ at the cross for sinners like you and I. This is what all of the saints throughout Scripture - man, woman, boy and girl- were taught and commanded to know from the Old to the New Testament (Ps. 78:4-7; 2 Tim. 3:15). This song was not to be forgotten (Psalm 1). This is what they sang after every victory from their sins, and attacks from their enemy - without and within - until the final victory at the cross, which was the crushing of the serpent's head. This song was never an after thought of God. It was written before the foundation of the world and interwoven into the story of man's existence. The song tells the story of who God is as the Great King in all his splendor and holiness. It tells of his inexpressible love for his people, who are his vice-regents. It's a victory song sung by His priests and priestesses (1 Peter 2:9). It's a song of an offering of repentance and thanksgiving (Psalm 51). A song of culmination of things to come; things which no naked eye has ever seen or heard. A song of glorious singing by multitudes upon multitudes from every tongue, tribe, and nation (Rev. 7:9).
It's a song that the Great King wanted to share with his people: a song that he sang over his creation, a song he sang to us in our mother's womb, during our childhood into our adulthood, in old age; in our singleness and for those married to unbelieving spouses. It's the song he sings when we deal with terrible sufferings and lost hopes. When we face the greatest temptations and when we feel we have stepped outside of his grace. He wants his people to learn it and meditate on it when we read the Scriptures, recite it in our prayers along with our families, remember it through communion and in our fellowshipping with one another. His songs are his means of grace to his people to nourish us in this wilderness journey.
As a woman it makes me angry and frustrated when leaders neglect to teach these songs to their sisters in the church and allow superficial, read-made bible study curriculum for women that lack substance. It hurts my heart when I hear of stories of husbands who do not lead in their priestly duty by teaching their families, or for mothers as priestesses to not lead her children. I am saddened by discouraged singles who remain in the outer courts of fellowship with God’s people, instead of joining in the song of redemption.
We have allowed the false prophets of feminism to creep in and teach our women a song of rebellion, a song of confusion, and a song of defeat. They sound alot like the serpent-song in the garden.
Our women are hungry, famished, and have no clue who they are - or more importantly - whose they are. Our emotions have been coddled by our self-centered culture, and are the deciding factor in our lives - instead of the truth of Scripture. These types of songs only entice our flesh; but Scripture says those who belong to Jesus Christ have crucified their flesh with its passions and desires (Galatians 5:24).
Jesus, the new Adam, exemplified this in Matthew 26:26 after he broke bread with his disciples at the passover meal before his death, where he would be given over to die as the passover lamb for the sins of his people. After he broke bread and drank the cup of wine with them, he gave them the encouragement that he will again drink the cup of wine, but in the fullness of the kingdom at the marriage feast (Rev. 19:6-10). After the meal, he sang a hymn. For it was only fitting that He sang His Father’s deeds of salvation as He went to fulfill them (Matthew 26:30).
Christ commands his disciples, including us, to go out and make disciples of all men. Those who hear the voice of the Shepherd (the effectual call) will be included in the marriage feast of the Lamb.
This is what all the singing is about. Namely the worship of the Lamb. It will never tire or get old because his mercy towards us is from everlasting to everlasting. Therefore, it’s an everlasting song.
And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, “Great and amazing are your deeds, O Lord God the Almighty! Just and true are your ways, O King of the nations! Who will not fear, O Lord, and glorify your name? For you alone are holy. All nations will come and worship you, for your righteous acts have been revealed.” Revelation 15:3-4